Sunday, August 12, 2007

Yay and Nay, Edition 1

Michael Stipe
My friend Steve's 40th birthday
Space Ghost
Freshly dyed hair

The smell of freshly dyed hair
Pizza Hut buffet not being open on Saturdays

Last night, I went out with a bunch of people for Steve's 40th birthday. Happy birthday, Stevie! During the course of the evening, my friend Michelle was being hit on by some randoms, and when they asked her name she told them it was Heather. She then introduced me as Lisa. I've never done that before. No matter how annoyed or amused I was by some one's pick up attempt, I've never given anything but my real name. It was kind of liberating, but also kind of scary. I'm still Meg, right?

Also, I would like to report that Michelle broke the toilet in Lula's. She was on a drunken rampage. Or she was trying to fix it when the lid fell off and shattered into a million pieces.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Whew, that sounds like quite the weekend y'all had!